ADF (2) ALLEXCEPT (1) API (2) Bigquery (1) CALENDAR (1) Caculation Group (1) Cohort (1) Color palette (1) Cumulative (1) Custom Function (1) Cycle (1) DATESYTD (1) DAX (3) Data Model (1) Databricks (2) Datatbricks (1) Delta Lake (2) Dimension (1) Dynamic SQL Query (1) EARLIER (1) ETL (4) GENERATESERIES (1) Geocoding (1) Google Analytics (1) Hierarchy (1) INDEX (1) ISINSCOPE (1) Interval (1) Iteration (1) JSON (1) MOD (1) MS Flow (1) Matrix (2) Measure (2) Multi-processing (1) Nested JSON (1) Nested XML (1) Node (1) PRODUCTX (1) Parameter (3) Power BI (2) Power KPI Visual (1) PowerApp (1) PowerBI (17) Pyspark (2) Queries (1) R (1) RANKX (1) Relationship (1) SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR (1) SELECTEDVALUE (1) SQL (2) SWITCH (2) Slicer (2) Streaming Dataset (1) Survey (1) Tabular Editor (1) Theme (1) UDF (1) VALUES (1) YTD (1) dbt (1)

 ADF (2)

Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs
ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake


How to Calculate Percentage of Total in Matrix in Power BI

 API (2)

Buld a real-time Dashboard for Survey Collection
How to Create Custom Function in Power BI

 Bigquery (1)

Flattening Nested JSON with BigQuery UDF and dbt Macros


How to Make Date Slicers for a Certain Days Cycle

 Caculation Group (1)

Switch Measure with Different Format in Visuals

 Cohort (1)

Dynamic Cohort Analysis in Power BI

 Color palette (1)

How to Setup Your Own Theme of PowerBI Reports

 Cumulative (1)

How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?

 Custom Function (1)

How to Create Custom Function in Power BI

 Cycle (1)

How to Make Date Slicers for a Certain Days Cycle


How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?

 DAX (3)

How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer
Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI
How to Calculate Percentage of Total in Matrix in Power BI

 Data Model (1)

Visualize Complex Hierarchy and Slice with Any Node

 Databricks (2)

Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs
ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake

 Datatbricks (1)

Ingesting and Flattening XML Files in Databricks

 Delta Lake (2)

Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs
ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake

 Dimension (1)

ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake

 Dynamic SQL Query (1)

Best Practice and Advanced Usage of Parameters in Power BI


Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI

 ETL (4)

Ingesting and Flattening XML Files in Databricks
Flattening Nested JSON with BigQuery UDF and dbt Macros
Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs
ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake


How to Make Peak Time Analysis based on Records with Start Time and End Time

 Geocoding (1)

How to Create Custom Function in Power BI

 Google Analytics (1)

Dynamic Cohort Analysis in Power BI

 Hierarchy (1)

Visualize Complex Hierarchy and Slice with Any Node

 INDEX (1)

Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI


How to Create a Dynamic Rank in Matrix with Hierarchy?

 Interval (1)

How to Make Peak Time Analysis based on Records with Start Time and End Time

 Iteration (1)

Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI

 JSON (1)

How to Setup Your Own Theme of PowerBI Reports

 MOD (1)

How to Make Date Slicers for a Certain Days Cycle

 MS Flow (1)

Buld a real-time Dashboard for Survey Collection

 Matrix (2)

How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer
How to Calculate Percentage of Total in Matrix in Power BI

 Measure (2)

How to Keep Power BI Report Neat?
How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer

 Multi-processing (1)

Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs

 Nested JSON (1)

Flattening Nested JSON with BigQuery UDF and dbt Macros

 Nested XML (1)

Ingesting and Flattening XML Files in Databricks

 Node (1)

Visualize Complex Hierarchy and Slice with Any Node


Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI

 Parameter (3)

How to Keep Power BI Report Neat?
Best Practice and Advanced Usage of Parameters in Power BI
How to Pass Multiple-Values Parameters to SQL Statement

 Power BI (2)

How to Pass Multiple-Values Parameters to SQL Statement
How to Draw an Australia Map with Label in Power BI

 Power KPI Visual (1)

How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?

 PowerApp (1)

How to Design a Pop-up Live Comments Window in Power BI Report by Integrating PowerApp?

 PowerBI (17)

Visualize Complex Hierarchy and Slice with Any Node
Switch Measure with Different Format in Visuals
Dynamic Cohort Analysis in Power BI
Buld a real-time Dashboard for Survey Collection
How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?
How to Keep Power BI Report Neat?
How to Create a Dynamic Rank in Matrix with Hierarchy?
How to Design a Pop-up Live Comments Window in Power BI Report by Integrating PowerApp?
Is Power BI a "Self Service" Tool?
Best Practice and Advanced Usage of Parameters in Power BI
How to Make Date Slicers for a Certain Days Cycle
How to Make Peak Time Analysis based on Records with Start Time and End Time
How to Create Custom Function in Power BI
How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer
How to Setup Your Own Theme of PowerBI Reports
Investment Return Rate Calculation in Power BI
How to Calculate Percentage of Total in Matrix in Power BI

 Pyspark (2)

Databricks Job Orchestration - Reuse Cluster and Multi-Process Jobs
ETL Becomes So Easy with Databricks and Delta Lake

 Queries (1)

How to Keep Power BI Report Neat?

 R (1)

How to Draw an Australia Map with Label in Power BI

 RANKX (1)

How to Create a Dynamic Rank in Matrix with Hierarchy?

 Relationship (1)

How to Keep Power BI Report Neat?


How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?


Dynamic Cohort Analysis in Power BI

 SQL (2)

How to Calculate Percentage of Total in Matrix in Power BI
How to Pass Multiple-Values Parameters to SQL Statement


Switch Measure with Different Format in Visuals
Dynamic Cohort Analysis in Power BI

 Slicer (2)

How to Make Date Slicers for a Certain Days Cycle
How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer

 Streaming Dataset (1)

Buld a real-time Dashboard for Survey Collection

 Survey (1)

Buld a real-time Dashboard for Survey Collection

 Tabular Editor (1)

Switch Measure with Different Format in Visuals

 Theme (1)

How to Setup Your Own Theme of PowerBI Reports

 UDF (1)

Flattening Nested JSON with BigQuery UDF and dbt Macros


How to Write A Conditional Measure Linked with Slicer

 YTD (1)

How to Visualize FYTD YoY Precisely in Power KPI?

 dbt (1)

Flattening Nested JSON with BigQuery UDF and dbt Macros